Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I am a fixer, if its broken I try to fix it.  If its not broken I still try to fix it.  When it comes to something that I can not fix I do not deal with it well.  I feel helpless, useless, depressed, and end up just shutting down.  This is the worse feeling and there is nothing that I can really do.  It may fix itself but what if it does not?  What am I to do then?  I may never have any kids so I have adopted my other animals as my family and I feel very strongly about them and protective.  How helpless I feel when I can make something better.  I don't think I could handle being a parent and feel helpless in such a situation.

1 comment:

Rob Crocker said...

Just judging by the times you've spent with my kids I think you'd be a wonderful father. I wouldn't worry to much about that.

And if you think that any of us parents actually know what in the hell we are doing you're full of it and anyone who says they do is a fucking liar. Its a day to day thing, changing all the time and constatnly forcing you to reevaluate your strategies and second guess your battle plans.

Smile emo kid, theres a clown in everyone! ;)