Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I am being followed by a creature of the deep, silently lurking in my Shadow.  I know its there, I can feel it pulling and tugging at me.  Any source of happiness is quickly drained out and turned into deep dread.  All I want is to feel wanted, desired both emotionally and physically, to feel like if I am gone that I will be missed.  I have to start cutting pieces of me off in order to keep the creature at bay.  Losing part of who I am at every turn trying to get some grasp on life.  I have no other explanation for my moods, something has to be there.  I am not going to lie and say this is something sudden, this has been going on for months.  Quietly penetrating deep inside with out my knowledge.  And now all that is left is a sullen husk, driven by logic and chaotic emotions; left frantically flailing inside this effigy.