Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Deepening

I can feel it in me, that tiny little infestation crawling around my insides.  How long it has been there I do not know for sure, months... maybe even years.  I can hear the whispers in my head that are not my own.  I though it was just my subconscious at first, but then things began to become distorted.  Warped is better analysis, bending my thoughts slightly into something else.  It was gradual at first but has since progressed into more.  It does not care anymore that I know it is not me.  The thoughts are just injected into my brain like a ice pick into a melon.  Resistance has been easy although I think it may be beginning to wane.  If I am not on guard then some quirks begin to develop, anomalies in my personality.  Deep dark thoughts that I am too afraid to write down in fear that  it alone will give it too much power.  Perhaps the biggest fear is that I enjoy it at times, letting it drive so I can relax.  Floating around in my own thoughts and just watching life go by.  Do others suspect the change that is happening?  Maybe they see it but say nothing, or more likely just too oblivious to know anything else.  I want to trust it, to feel that is does not want to hurt me or others but just to protect.  To keep me safe for some reason, but what importance do I have?  Why would someone as insignificant as me in the cosmos serve a purpose.  Maybe that is it, just to serve, one more among billions across the stars.  I will not succumb yet, I must hold strong for the Emperor, but I will not risk my life or my visitor for him.  I will stay hidden, no one must know.

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