Monday, February 2, 2009

Downward Spiral

Drifting lazily into abyss, movements seem like a helpless waste of energy.   Every action is countered by a stronger force, the feeling of helpless is consuming.  Trying to scream but nothing comes out.  You know there are others listening, waiting for a sign to jump in and rescue you but then cant hear.  Is it the void that's muting all ability to call for help or is it me.  Do I want help, just being consumed is so much easier.  Maybe I have something to prove to myself, that I am strong and I can get out of it.  What if I fail, will some pull me out or will my lack of calling prevent it.  Maybe I am getting what is deserved of me, the fates controlling every action.  There is no reason to fight what can not be controlled.  There is a certain comfort is being alone, mindless scarecrow following the wills of those around them.  Everyone else is happy, that is what it is all about.  Falling deeper into the void, unending downward spiral.

1 comment:

Rob Crocker said...

There is ALWAYS a reason to fight... thats what its all about in the end. Victory is not everything mind you, but the fight, the essence of a good solid try, that is what takes character.

Complacency is a stagnant choking death.